I know i should be posting more often and sharing more pictures or what not, but I am trying to make topics and really let you in on my experience. Not just travel experience, but people experiences. People experiences are the best! (if that makes sense)??
I really enjoy meeting people from different places and sparking random conversations. The other day on our way back to the hotel from Museo de Antropologia ( Museum of Anthropology) in Mexico City, I asked a young couple (who were speaking Spanish) where they were going- bc we did not!
They helped us out and sure enough we talked the whole way to the hotel. Both were travelers from Spain.. the most interesting part they were a traveling duo just like Hector and I! Like us, they were not dating and we both shared that we got some high brows when other people asked. Turns out we met later and had a great time!!
went to a posh (hollywood-like) cafe/bar.. not our thing!!!
went looking for places to hang out and ended up in a gay scene.. guys felt uncomfortable and asked for a drink to go.. As result................. *drumroll please.** we ended up in the back of mexican cop car... SCARY! --what do ya know?? having a drink in hand in public in Mexico is illegal too! How ironic because..
Fortunately... rumors are true .. cops are corrupt here.. my friend paid $40 for our freedom.. phewww!!
We later learned we got ripped off- Oh well.. I guess there really isn't a price to freedom. I could just picture the look on my parents' face when I told them I spent the night in a Mexico jail!!
We later learned we got ripped off- Oh well.. I guess there really isn't a price to freedom. I could just picture the look on my parents' face when I told them I spent the night in a Mexico jail!!
Anyway.. the purpose of my entry is related to homeliness. "Home is where the heart is" or the famous "mi casa es su casa".
my heart seems to be all over Mexico. I feel at home with the people we've stayed with (mostly Hector's relatives, so far). All these strong women!
I had the honor to meet both of his grandmas and the opportunity to learn about how things were "back in the day". It pushes me to be a better "woman". (lol)
We are currently staying in Mexico City with a wonderful family <3
they have received us as their own children and that is such a blessing. Even thousands of miles away from my own family I am bonding with wonderful people and wish them nothing but the best. If these wonderful people share their roof and table with me .. then they have paved their way into my heart and if they have done that .. I am very grateful!
Even if it seems like they don't have much to give, they give their all and that is truly powerful.
I hope I can do the same and share my home and my love with others one day. <3
The most confusing part and frustrating is that I wish i had something to give in return but all I can do is Thank them and bless them :)
It is now that I truly understand the gift of gratitude
** ABOVE is Doña Mary.. She welcomed us into her house in DF with open arms and a lovely smile. She was so happy to have company :D