Why?Are you Crazy?
Y .. porque?
hayyy.. ten cuidado? Estas loca?
No te da miedo? ... Aren't you scared?
How Long?
Who are you going with?
Wow! You are brave.
These are all the questions and comments I am bombarded with when I share that I will be backpacking across Mexico to reach my destination point: Guatemala.
Why? I don't know. Exactly.
But I do tell you one thing, as a child my dad and I would visit the local Goodwill Store .. HE would search for tools and what not. I, however, discovered the most amazing magazine at 8 years old: National Geographic. It was then, that a seed was planted in me. I saw so many cool places and different people in those beautiful, colorful pictures. For only 10 cents a copy I was entertained and wowed for hours.
To this day, I am interested in seeing those places and meeting those people. I feel that embarking on this trip I will be able to understand people and where they come from. So... Perfect timing, out of college and with a BA in International Studies.. the world is calling me!
Mexico is our neighbor yet, many of us are scared to set foot there. I can't say that not an ounce in me is scared, because that is a lie but I look at this trip with a sense of adventure and I am willing to face the little fear that is in me.
Yes.. I will be hitchhiking.. Not alone though. My childhood friend () and I will be traveling together and meeting great people along the way.
We are estimating making it to Guatemala in 3 weeks and stopping at landmarks in Mexico.
Keep us in your prayers..
I will keep you posted on my travels